Conventional Liposculpture

It is perhaps the most widely performed procedure of all today. It allows to shape the body contour, removing undesirable fat deposits. There are synonyms for this same procedure that can cause confusion, but ultimately refer to the same procedure, such as lipoplasty, and liposuction.

Conventional liposculpture, which has received multiple names that can be used almost as synonyms (liposuction, liposuction, lipoplasty, etc.), is ideal for patients who want to shape their body and have a better body contour by removing localized fatty deposits and in some cases to graft fat in places where it is necessary. It is not a procedure designed to lose weight, and the good result of it and its maintenance depend on the collaboration and compliance of the patient in the postoperative period and adopting or maintaining healthy eating and physical activity habits.

Conventional liposculpture, by generating retraction of the skin by virtue of its elastic fibers (not stretching the skin or removing art from it), can generate small irregularities that usually improve with postoperative massages and the use of the girdle and accessories such as foams and tables. Fortunately, other complications are very rare, such as infectious, anemic, or embolic processes (formation of clots that can move and clog arteries. Despite its very rare incidence, close communication between the surgeon and the patient is necessary to evaluate any sign of alarm and be able to handle any possible complications in time before they can compromise the general condition of the patient.