Tummy Tuck
In some cases, especially in people who have suffered massive weight losses such as bariatric surgeries, or excessive stretching of the skin with the presence of multiple striae, the management of the excess tissue with liposculpture may not be sufficient. When there is a surplus of skin that can be thought to be loose or hanging in the postoperative period, it is necessary to take the advice in which Dr. Carlos Rivera could recommend the removal of this dermal excess. As a patient, the scar generated by this procedure should be evaluated and it will be larger the more skin you want to remove.
It is usual in surgery to improve the quality of the abdominal wall with a suture known as a plication. It is also possible to associate it with other procedures, especially liposculpture, to achieve a more harmonious body contour.
In the postoperative period it requires band management, massages and general controls by the team to achieve the best possible result in each case
In some people, due to excess not only fat but also skin or
Too much mistreatment of the skin due to obesity or pregnancy, the contour improvement provided by a liposculpture may not be enough. In these cases, it may be necessary not only to remove the excess fat from some localized areas, but also to remove the loose and hanging skin that may remain afterwards. In these patients with hanging skin or too many stretch marks in which the isolated perspective of a liposculpture is not the best, a procedure called abdominal dermolipectomy or abdominoplasty is practiced.
Abdominoplasty is a procedure that generates large scars but hidden by underwear, so it is to be expected that if there is any
complication is derived from the healing process. In the first instance there may be an increase in healing called hypertrophic scar, which is initially managed with creams, infiltrations, pressure or silicones and after the healing process, if the improvement is not satisfactory, a surgical revision of the same. Occasionally, as it is a large intervened area, fluid can accumulate, called a seroma, which must exit through a drain that is left ready for this purpose. If this does not happen, this liquid may need to be removed through punctures performed in the office. Very rarely, and almost always associated with other conditions such as smoking, diabetes or cancer, injury to part of the skin or
open the wound (necrosis or dehiscence) which will generally be treated on an outpatient basis in conjunction with the surgeon until resolution.